What is Rosacea?
While there is no cure for Rosacea, there are treatment options which can prevent it from getting worse and help minimise its effects. Known triggers such as wine and cold weather, as well as following a gentle skin-care regime can help manage flushing and broken blood vessels. Seeing a dermatologist is also highly recommended to put you on the right track, depending on the severity of your rosacea.
Treatment options include topical and oral medications, as well as laser and light therapy. Keep in mind it may take weeks or months of consistent treatment before there is a noticeable improvement.
What is Rosacea?
Rosacea, is a non-contagious skin condition caused from inflammation which exclusively affects the face. It causes the capillaries on the face to enlarge, giving the appearance of a permanent flush. The forehead, cheeks and chin may also develop acne.
The condition first appears between the ages of 30 and 50 years, with regular flushing as commonly the first sign. Over time, permanent redness may develop when the capillaries enlarge and pustules begin to form. With age, the symptoms tend to get worse. The cause is unknown and there is no permanent cure.
Treatment for Mild Rosacea
There are 3 types of Rosacea-mild, moderate and severe.
The first type causes facial flushing, redness and sometimes visible broken blood vessels. This stage is difficult to treat with medication, so staying away from triggers is imperative. Light therapy can also be effective for some people, so an at home mask could be highly effective and convenient for people suffering rosacea to use nightly.
With moderate rosacea you will experience breakouts and facial redness. There's a variety of medications which can be used to reduce inflammation and the severity, including Finacea, Metrogel and low-doses of Doxycycline. Topical medications include benzoyl peroxide and retinoids among others.
Often, doctor's will use a combination treatment of oral and topical medications at to get quicker results and then when it settles switch to a single treatment.
In severe rosacea, the major problem is skin thickening and enlargement, especially around the nose. Along with medications, lasers can assist. Extra tissue can be removed surgically.
Possible Environmental Triggers
- Alcohol
- Hot drinks i.e tea and coffee
- Spicy food
- Sunlight
- Anxiety
- Emotional stress
- Late night overeating
Rosacea can be a difficult condition to treat and you should discuss any concerns with a dermatologist first.
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